Online Leak Sealing & Repair Services:


Our online leak sealing and repair services cover most needs and provide ample protection. Ours is a leading service and is backed up by the superior sealant products we sell. With the cost-controls of a China-based company, and the local understandings of a Houston branch office, we're confident in our services and our ability to meet your industrial pipe leak sealing needs. We attribute this to a number of factors:

1. Clamp Design:

Equip designated third-party service providers with method of designing clamps.


2. Technical Consultation:

Provide continual support of on-line leak sealing procedures and advice for special case requirements in line with our project management guidelines.


3. OLS Training:

Formal training is available.


4. Leak Sealing Emergency Calls:

Our designated third-party service providers respond to customers' emergency calls for site services.